Many years ago, I heard from a MAC employee that they were going to do a Game of Thrones collection. I thought I had got the scoop, but it never happened. It could have been a rumor, or a project that fell through. Wet N Wild had it’s Fire Dragon vs Ice Dragon. But it was not an official Game of Thrones collection. So finally a brand collaborates with GoT with a real collection, and this time it was by Urban Decay.
This is being posted before the series finale of Game of Thrones. But there are no spoilers for the finale because I do not know 100% what happens, but I will keep my speculation to myself. Mostly.
I love discussing lore, theories and speculation in many different universes. A Song of Ice and Fire being one of them. But I am going to try so hard to not even post my opinion in this post because who you side with is as controversial as politics! People don’t want to know your opinion, they just want you to know theirs. But seriously, re-watch the entire series knowing what you know now. I knew who Jon Snow’s parents were early on because I read spoilers and speculation and discussed them with people who were willing. (Thank goodness for those people in my life! If I have to hear another, “Don’t tell me! Don’t tell me!” I will slap the shit out of them! I wasn’t going to tell you!) Because I like lore of fantasy worlds, and coming up with theories, I read in advance what happens in the books and other people’s theories. I’m often wrong, but that’s okay because at least I am thinking. It helps you see things that the general public is not seeing. Now that you know whose son Jon Snow really is, and are re-watching the things Daenerys is capable of, will you really be surprised that she went Mad Queen the second time around? Also, they condensed it into 6 episodes which is annoying. We all know it could have been a better development, but six is what they had to work with. What we all should look forward to is the rest of the books! That is the true lore from the brain that created this world. (He needs to finish.) If if you enjoy the show and haven’t read the books, give it a try!
When Urban Decay sent out PR and influencers were like, “Should I start watching Game of Thrones?” My reaction was like, “No! You’re too late! You’d just be like: no spoilers! Forget it! You’re cancelled!” My terrible analytics aside, I should be on the PR list. Especially for fandoms! At least I know what I’m talking about! Okay, I’m a terrible investment.
Wende, the founder of Urban Decay, is a huge fan of the show and the books. It must have been a huge passion project for her to create this! (Envious!) Like the show, fans aren’t always going to be happy with your creative choices. “This should have been this! This should have been that!” Considering that she’s actually a fan, she did her research and even read the books, she has her reasonings behind each color. The video I linked doesn’t fully explain it, but at least you know she is serious about this collection.
At the very least you can appreciate the fact that she sectioned them by geography! Yeah, I know the geography only because I play one of the various GoT games. I live on Skagos, they say there are unicorns on Skagos.
The star of the show is the Eyeshadow Palette! Yes, it’s bulky, it’s not going on any trips with me, but Urban Decay palettes are notoriously showy and bulky! I took a Book of Shadows on vacation with me once, it took up too much room. I never did that again.
All of my shade inspirations are just guesses. I do not know what Wende’s actual inspiration was, but I am relating it to what I know.
Let’s start our journey in the frozen North:
The White Walkers- Cool Colors.
It’s The Land of Always Winter beyond the wall. So you’re going to see a lot of snow. There’s also The Haunted Forest, which is green and very dark. The Frozen North is a deep teal green shade. Take The Black is a black with glitter. We all know about Castle Black, where exiles go to defend Westeros from the threats up north. They mostly kill Wildlings trying to sneak past the border, but there were beings far more sinister beyond the wall, beings of legend…. they were all true. White Walker is a lot like Too Faced’s Unicorn Tears. It’s a sheer blue transformer shade. Hardhome, was a village of the Free Folk that The Night King and his wights attacked. Hardhome is a very light champagne which represent snow, but warmer in color since White Walker is the cool version. Free Folk is a silver, also to represent the snow covering everything North of The Wall.
House Stark- Earthy Colors.
While you may think white and gray to describe the Winterfell castle, she’s not going to put 10 variations of white in a palette.
The Starks are pretty grounded, therefore earth tones work for them.
Nymeria is the name of Arya Stark’s Direwolf. But did you know it’s a famous historical name in Westeros? It is the name of a Princess of Rhynar. It is also the name of one of the Sand Snakes, Oberyn Martell’s “bastard” daughters. Anyway, it’s a warm neutral tan, and a welcome color in the palette because you need neutrals to blend out the look. So a universal color for a universal name?Winter is Here, a metallic brown. Perhaps it represents the color of the hair of the Starks. Some of them may have red hair, but that is the Tully genes.
Weirwood Leaves, a metallic burgundy. You must know the iconic Weirwood tree with it’s red leaves and white bark.
The Sight, is also known as The Greensight, which explains why the shade is a metallic emerald green!
Winterfell is my favorite in the palette. It’s a bit chunky, but that’s no problem. I don’t have issues with fallout. This applies very smooth, it’s not gritty as it looks.

Onto The Queens:
House Lannister- Neutral Colors
Red Keep is a copper. While it may be a pile of rubble and ash now, it used to be a terracotta colored castle sitting on top of a hill in Kings Landing. Why Dany didn’t just go behind the keep and get Cersei from there, I don’t know. She could have avoided a huge mess, but I guess avoiding a mess wasn’t her intention in the first place.
Casterly Rock, the home of House Lannister, is a metallic bronze. I guess it goes to Tyrion after all! The inspiration must have been the rock the kingdom sits upon. The artwork is incredible, I suggest you take a look!
House Lannister is a matte peach, perfect for blending! Not much to say about the inspiration behind this color, than they needed a matte mid-tone blending color. She probably does have some magical background story about it. I am only guessing here!
Lannister Red is A warm reddish brown perfect for deepening colors, using under the lash line and your outer corner. The background of the House flag is a deep red.
King’s Landing, a light gold shimmer. The glimmer of gold as the sun shines on the sides of the sea of buildings. These are my own interpretations on the colors, Wende’s inspiration might have been different. Here is a screenshot of King’s Landing and The Red Keep from Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming. The smaller buildings appear gold.
House Targaryen- Jewel Tones
Because the Targaryens are the kings and queens, they feel that they deserve the riches. Therefore, jewel tone shades.
Bend the Knee looks like this dress. Pinterest may warn you that it contains sensitive content. I think they may be upset about the mass genocide of King’s Landing, they can’t even show her picture without warning. It’s just a picture of our favorite conquerer in Qarth. She’s fully dressed. It’s a lavender with blue shift. I am also going to be seeing Sylvanas vs Daenerys memes. Burn it. BURN IT!
I assume Stormborn is purple because the Targaryens have purple eyes.
The Dothraki sea is yellow. It’s basically dead grass. Grass is green but when it’s dry it turns yellow. And gold for this palette works better than grass green.
I cannot explain why Bay of Dragons is pink, but I can tell you she renamed Slaver’s Bay, Bay of Dragons. Sounds like a good choice, actually.
These are all soft shades that Daenerys might wear if she had a Sephora in Essos.
All in all, this is mostly a neutral palette with many different variations of gold, bronze and champagne. I love those colors on me and use them almost daily so this palette was been working out well for me. We do have a few spatterings of color, one blue, a green and two purples.
I almost talked myself out of buying this palette because it is a whopping $65. But it was during the VIB sale at Sephora so I saved a bit of money. I still went over budget, but I can’t win ‘em all. I keep telling myself, I don’t need to buy any more eyeshadow palettes because I already have a billion. But it’s so hard when it’s a palette based on one of your fandoms! I used the testers and ended up swatching the collection for you!
Mother of Dragons Highlight Palette
The only shade that works my my skin tone is the pink one, Drogon. The other two are too dark to use as a highlight, and therefore I couldn’t justify spending $36 on this. Though it’s pretty and I want it. I also don’t have the money.
While they’re (mostly) universal shades, or rather “safe” shades. I wish she had a lot more fun with them! Like the Jeffree Star Cosmetics Supreme Frosts. The two duo-chromatic shades, Money Honey and Hypothermia are what I wish the Urban Decay Mother of Dragons highlighters were! More interesting, like dragon scales in the colors that Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion are. The CGI dragons aren’t particularly shiny themselves, but they’re already a highlighter product so might as well make ‘em extra! The Urban Decay highlighters are safe and more wearable to the masses. But I wanted it to be a lot more fun! My ideas are too dark for me as a highlighter, but I’d just have a trio of jumbo eyeshadows! (I would be able to justify the price for something unique though.)
The Lipsticks
None of these were for me, if I were to choose one, I’d wear Night King. However, I cannot explain the color and how it relates to him. While the three women might wear lipstick, the Night King, with all his swagger, does not.
Dracarys Lip & Cheek Stain
Drogon must have had a lot of fun in episode 5. Dracarys for you! Dracarys for you! Everybody gets a Dracarys!
I only applied a small drop of this tint, it’s pretty faint. Maybe if I shook the bottle or used more drops it would look a little more pigmented. Maybe if I had more rage, it would have been redder. Streets flowing with blood! I’m good. We don’t need that.
24/7 Glide On Pencil Eyeliners
I wish they weren’t $22 or sold out everywhere. I really like these! The iridescent white one needed sharpening, but it’s a tester at Sephora and it’s not like I could find a pencil sharpener lying around. Asking someone who works there is too much work. I think my friend realized how lazy I was when I didn’t want to ask for a sample of foundation.
Dragon Smoke- A black with blue and purple glitter. Gorgeous! I want this one.
Lannister Gold– That metallic gold is just too pretty! That would look awesome in the waterline!
Winterfell Snow– Iridescent white, really pretty! I’d use this just outside the tear duct.
The Night King– A bluer teal. A solid, pigmented color.
As of writing this I see on that Dragon Smoke is in-stock. This will definitely change soon.
Arya Stark’s Needle and Jon Snow’s Longclaw eyeshadow brushes
I LUCKED OUT and was able to get these at the night it released! I am very surprised I got them and extremely happy! They are sold out at every store I went to, and sold out online. They should make more because I know fans want them! Mine are getting used, I’m not using them as display! The guards do make storing them in a cup with other brushes difficult. They catch onto the other brushes and they all come spilling out. It’s very annoying. On second thought, maybe I should have had them on display.

Well, I definitely failed in not putting my opinion out there. Game of Thrones is politics! Remember, I do not deserve to die because my opinion is different than yours. Varys is the only fucking person that made any damn sense and he died for nothing. I can only hope one of my non-Stark favorites will survive the finale, Ser Davos! His relationship with Shireen Baratheon was endearing. While my other favorite could never have been happy, (Jorah Mormont), Davos can still build a future for himself. He is not lost. (And not that old!)
If you’re a huge Game of Thrones fan and like playing browser games, come play with me in Game of Thrones Winter Is Coming. I’m in Kingdom 7. It’s a terrible kingdom to be in, you get farmed by Wallet Warriors. I played Game of Thrones Ascent for the six years it was on, it wasn’t as bad as this. This game is also wasting too much of my time! World of Warcraft’s patch 8.2 can’t come soon enough! Hell, A Classic Summer, turned out to be a Classic Back To School. Well, I don’t go to or work at a school anymore so I guess that’s okay for me.
If you start playing GoT:WIC in Kingdom 7, let me know your in-game name. Maybe you can join the alliance I’m in. I was made Financial Adviser, which is the worst possible real life job anyone could give me. Spend it ALL! SPEND IT ALL ON MAKEUP! No, I have no idea if I do anything at all.
This is sort of GoT related: Maisie Williams, the actress who plays Arya Stark, has a social media community for artists to collaborate on projects. It’s called Daisie. You can be any sort of artist (painter, photographer, actor, musician, writer, etc.) or just a creator in need or artists to work with. She’s done a few interviews explaining how it works. I am hoping I will find people to work with for my apparel line. Sign up if you are an artist looking to work with people on new creative projects!
Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored. I do not get sent PR. I bought this with what little money I have. I could use PR. And actually, I did see a spoiler. A leaked photo in a YouTube video, it could be complete bs. We will see next Sunday!