Since JSC cosmetics is having a lip product sale this weekend, I wanted to share swatches of the colors that I have to help you make a purchasing decision! My JSC posts get the most traffic, so I am bringing what the people seem to want! You can purchase them at the official Jeffree Star Cosmetics website and at Beautylish.
I have an older posts here:
Velour Liquid Lipsticks
Lip Ammunition- Discontinued!
The Gloss & Jawbreaker Collection
Velour Liquid Lipstick
My collection mostly consists of various pinks. I have an NC15 skin tone, so this is what is looks like on fair skin.
My favorites are Queen Supreme, Diva and Dreamhouse. Doll Parts looks very dark and brown on me, it’s just how those colors appear on me. It looks lovely on any other skintone that isn’t mine!
There are Velour Liquid Lipstick colors I want in two vaults: Queen Bitch and the Blood Sugar Vault. The colors I want are the exclusive ones that are only in the set that I cannot just buy individually. I can’t afford to buy the vaults. So…. meh meh meh meh meh. (That’s the song I wrote about myself. It’s called Jessica is Dumb and Poor.)
These are my newest products that I neglected to share on my blog and Instagram. Here they are now! I LOVE the Supreme Gloss.
Below is Queen Supreme in both formulas. It’s an ultra cool lilac pink. It might look sickening or Pepto Bismol-like on certain skin tones. I like it on myself, so bring on the Queen Supreme! The lab did an amazing job of matching the color exactly!
Velvet Trap
Even though I am disappointed that Lip Ammunition was discontinued, Velvet Trap is even more luxurious! I hope JSC comes out with more colors soon! The laser imprint is really something cool! I love star anything. I even named my second dog, Star! (In like 1990!)
I have Malibu Beach House and Hot Commodity here.

Update on May 25th
Since JSC came out with 25 new shades, I had to get the pink one! So here is Laced Cake with the other two!
Supreme Gloss
I love gloss, and I love this formula! It’s ultra pigmented, lasts awhile because of the thick formula. Pink Vault is a color I would normally buy, so I didn’t buy it because I already have 4,103,183 colors exactly like it. I still want it though….
The swatches of the two I have are in the first part of this post.
I also don’t seem to own any of The Gloss, even though I want some. I am trying to save money.
Lip Ammunition
These are no longer for sale, but here they are next to Velvet Trap. I have an old post right here if you want to see swatches.
Fuck Proof Mascara
Here’s my mini review:
I uncurls my lashes.
If you don’t have or haven’t worked with asian lashes, let me tell you. Our lashes are naturally straight, so if we curl them and then apply a regular mascara on them, the mascara will wet and weigh the lash down and uncurl them. It might as well have nothing on them because you can’t see them. So we must wear a waterproof formula that is waxy and on the drier side. Not all waterproof mascaras will work. Believe me, I have had years of trial and error! Not every set of asian lashes will be the same, some people will have a different experience. People are different. Halfies like me have this issue, and one of my friends who is a quapa also has this issue. It’s just how our lashes are. Fuck Proof is great for my bottom lashes. So far, it doesn’t flake or transfer. But my top lashes will straighten out. Very unfortunate.
Also pictured are eyeshadows from a Polish company that I need to finish writing about!
Velour Lip Scrubs
The lip scrubs are a must-get! Pick the flavor you like! I personally love Cherry Soda, Pink Lemonade, Strawberry Gum and Root Beer. I think they are a great value at $12 a pop. I go through maybe two per year and have them in each bathroom. The crystals don’t dissolve immediately so it has great scrubbing power. And you can’t beat the flavor selection! I love sweet and fruity flavors!
Yeah, I should have posted this a day earlier. But I am slow.
Check out my last blog post– A Comprehensive List of Every Escada Summer Fragrance. I worked very hard on this!
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I stopped posting on my Instagram and my unfollows and low engagement has discouraged me from posting. Send me some follows, likes and comments if you think I should start again!
Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored and I do not get any PR from Jeffree Star Cosmetics. I had to buy all of these myself over many years.
I don’t bleep out cuss words, even though his products have a star in the vowel. Then I’d have to copy and paste it, which means I have to open a new window and Google it. What an ordeal.