I intended to post this and a few other posts weeks ago, but I’ve been overwhelming myself with work. I have a big project that should be released before December. I’ll announce it because it has everything to do with I Need This Unicorn! This is what happens when I try and tackle too many projects at once! It should be worth it when the time comes and I can start blogging consistently.
It’s almost Halloween and it’s time to call The Ghostbusters!
Burgers on a makeup blog? I’ve always intended for this to be a beauty and lifestyle blog. My other blog covered weddings, party planning, home decor and makeup favorites. We all have different interests, right? Why not write about them all?
I’ve been following Matt of Dinosaur Dracula for many years now, in fact when it was X-Entertainment.com. Her covers a lot of nostaglic 80’s and 90’s stuff. I follow a lot of what Matt finds. If he sees something cool on the shelves, I’ll head right over to Target to try and find it. I’ve found that the East Coast gets things before California this way! Matt also has a podcast with Jay of Sexy Armpit called Purple Stuff Podcast that I really enjoy.
Check out my Pinterest Board The Good Ol’ Days if you’re interested in 80’s and 90’s nostalgia.
Like Matt and Jay, I haven’t heard of Wayback Burger before. It was his blog that showed me of it’s existence. And even though I’m not a WHOAWTFFAN of Ghostbusters like I am of Star Trek, I will make any excuse to eat burgers. And the idea of a kiwi lime drink sounds really good. I also appreciate the torture of ghost pepper and feeding people ghost pepper sauce whenever I can. It’s hilarious because it’s downright painful. Fortunately for Wayback Burgers, it’s toned down a lot and they will not be getting sued by anyone too weak to handle the heat.
Waybacks Burgers obviously isn’t everywhere, but it was worth the drive passing through a country back road and seeing alpacas. If you like the idea of having a Harold and Kumar adventure driving to White Castle… well, it probably won’t be that eventful.
As soon as I walked in I started taking photos of the displays and an employee noticed that I seemed to be a fan. I told her I was going to blog about it, so she told her co-workers to make mine extra good! She even inisted on making the shakes herself! She was super nice!
There were three items on the Ghostbusters menu:
Ghostbustin Burger
Two patties with Pepper Jack Cheese and Ghost Pepper Sauce.
I approve of their cheese choice. It’s a compliment to the sauce.
The ghost pepper sauce is mixed to what I believe is Thousand Island dressing. If you were to put straight up ghost pepper sauce you’d be on the floor howling. The dressing cools the ghost pepper a lot, but it is still spicy and by the half of the burger, you’re going to wish you had more shake! Hell, you might even have to take a break cause the heat builds up. I sure did!
It’s a cheese burger of course I like it and I like that it doesn’t come with lettuce and tomato because I hate those on my burgers and I would take it out anyway. I would definitely get this again if they still have it the next time I’m there.
Mac & Cheese Bites with Ghost Pepper Sauce
I like anything ridiculous. If it’s something that’s deep fried that isn’t usually deep fried, I will probably want it. I want a deep fried pizza, will someone make this for me? I don’t mean Pizza Rolls, I mean an actual legit pizza slice, breaded and deep fried. Hell, deep fry a burger for me too! (Morimoto had a deep fried burger at Bottle Rock and it was amazing!)
I’ve had deep fried mac and cheese before, and of course I approve of the concept. It’s in a shell of batter as you can see, so it’s not falling apart. Dipped in the ghost pepper sauce, makes it all the more fun. One of the workers asked me what kind of sauce I wanted, and the worker I originall talked to said, “She wants everything as advertised!” Haha, she was delightful!
I offered some of mine to people that wouldn’t even consider it. Fine eat your boring same ol’ same ol’ food! I’d also get this again. The ghost pepper sauce is on a special promo, but the mac ‘n cheese bites are good by itself.
Stay Puft Slime Milkshake
The highlight of the meal! Vanilla shake that tasted a lot of like toasted marshmallows with a kiwi lime syrup. The toasted marshmallow was the strongest flavor and was pleasant.
The following probably won’t apply to your location:
I don’t have many details about this, but the company who owns the complex wanted every business to be halal so they couldn’t have marshmallows. I don’t know about the bacon, but we can assume that people who have a halal diet know not to order the burgers with bacon because of common sense. But marshmallows aren’t as obvious. This is just my guess. So my drink wasn’t topped with marshmallows and that’s okay and I enjoyed it anyway.
The confusing thing is, the drink tasted like toasted marshmallows, and I’m not sure if they used marshmallow fluff or if it was a flavoring good enough to trick me. Personally it didn’t matter to me what was in it, Slimer himself could have made it with his own slime and I would be fine with that. But I don’t have any specific dietary restrictions. I even drink Ecto Cooler and I’m allergic to oranges. I drink it anyway cause I bought four cases I’m not a quitter.

Have you not tried Ghost Pepper? Don’t be a chicken shit. Try a TINY drop. Seriously just try it! But buy a gallon of whole milk first cause you’ll need it. I’ve also had Scorpion Pepper and Carolina Reaper. Carolina Reaper is currently the hottest pepper in the world. When it gets to a certain scoville unit, it’s all the same to my mouth. Too hot to deal with! I apparently like self-torture so I go and do this to myself.
Go check out Good Mythical Morning’s Hottest Pepper Challenge. Rhett had me dying of laughter for a week!
* Provided you don’t have a medical condition where it will end up killing you. I cannot be responsible for any deaths that come from you trying ghost pepper sauce.
Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored in any way. I went to Wayback and paid with my own money.