Before he created the liquid lipsticks, Jeffree Star began his dream starting with bullet lipsticks. After much perfecting, the Lip Ammunition bullets came out last fall. Since they came out months ago, I’ve had some time to wear them and test them out. And I’ve definitely worn them all! These are the type of colors I like!
Each lipstick retails for $18 each. They’re a part of the permanent line so there’s no need to rush and grab all 10 at once. Unless you can afford to, then go ahead!
Jeffree is speaking to my heart creating all of these pinks!
- Ice Cream Blvd- This is typically a shade I will go for, a bright cool pink.
- Ex-Supermodel– I’m surprised, but this is actually the one I wear the most. This is a nude pink.
- Baby Spice– Medium pink
- Beauty Pageant– Sheer pink loaded with glitter
- Starfish- Bright coral pink
- Jeffree’s Girl– This is the second most typical shade I buy. A hot pink!
I love these and I think he created every color I could ever want. (Okay, he could surprise me!)
There are four shades I do not have:
Celebrity Skin (nude) Unicorn Blood (red) Granddaddy Purp (purple) and Popscicle Dream (lighter purple)
The pink bullet packaging is unique. It was a concept and a name he thought of many years ago. The bullet theme goes with Jeffree’s song, “Beauty Killer” which is also the name of his first eye shadow palette. And hello… lipstick bullet. If you are offended by the bullets, then this product may not be the thing for you. I’m not bothered. They could be shaped like dicks and if it comes in pink or glitter, I might consider it.

I wore these lipsticks several times, on several outings and it stayed on all day, with little need for touchups unless I ate. (I blot it off cause I don’t want it on my food.) I was really impressed after hours of going through the corn maze, and my makeup still looked great, even my lipstick didn’t budge!
There wasn’t much need for a lipliner, except with Beauty Pageant, the glitter lipstick. The rest can hold their own. Of course you can use it if you like!
These lipsticks have a sweet orange sorbet scent. In his video, he says creamcicle ice cream, which is pretty accurate. I like it, it’s pleasant. But I like it when lip products smell like sweets, rather than florals or even worse… plastic.
He recommends scrubbing your lips beforehand. With a thick formula, it will cling to dry spots. I do this daily as a part of my skin care routine anyway because my lips are prone to dryness. Not to sound sponsored because I am not, but his lip scrub is actually one of my two favorites. His is a bargain at $12, and there’s more product than my other fave (Sara Happ Lip Scrub). So if you’re buying from his site or Beautylish, you might as well pick one up. It’s affordable and it has enough product to last for several months.
I can imagine glitter is difficult to formulate into lipstick form. So it’s not exactly heavy on color, but wall-to-wall glitter would feel gritty. I know Pat McGrath covered that. But it’s only good for photos or anything else short term. It would probably end up a mess on your chin, on your teeth… and forget eating. I haven’t exactly tried it because I am already scarred from the hefty price of her highlighter kit. Beauty Pageant doesn’t have glitter fall out and doesn’t get all over my teeth any more than lipstick would normally. (And thats why we have the finger trick!)
Jeffree made the kind of glitter lipstick that you can actually wear without it feeling super uncomfortable. It’s not crazy in your face glitter, but putting glitter into a solid form instead of suspended in a sticky gloss had to be a challenge. And no the base is not very pigmented, but if it was, the glitter would just been covered in lipstick and you wouldn’t be able to see the sparkle, but flakes of texture and then your lips would look flaky. It does have a transparent light pink base. If you wanted more color, use it to layer over another lip color.
Beauty Pageant Compared to Lipstick Queen Let Them Eat Cake

Beauty Pageant is more pink with silver glitter, Let Them Eat Cake is supposed to be more of a lavender and has gold glitter.
Beauty Pageant is swatching better this time around because I just needed to break that outer layer. But yes, you will need to do several passes to get the effect of more coverage, but it won’t be opaque.
Considering that Lipstick Queen’s is $50. You may just want to pay the $18 for Beauty Pageant. Seriously! There is nothing wrong with Lipstick Queen’s, but $50 is a lot of money and I only bought it because I had Nordstrom Rewards so decided to use it something ridiculously priced. Normally I’d just stay away from $50 lipsticks!
Ice Cream Blvd compared to other cool pink lipsticks:
Ice Cream Blvd compared to other pink lipsticks, and Queen Supreme compared to other cool pink liquid lipsticks:
Ice Cream Blvd compared to MAC lipsticks:
I think I have a pretty good collection of cool pinks, and none of the were an exact dupe for Ice Cream Blvd. It was way cooler than the other lipsticks. It could look ghastly on you, or it could look great! You won’t find out until you put it on! I like how it looks on me (NC15 with dark brown hair and eyes.) It’s not natural looking, but I’m going for a fun pop of color when I wear this.
I could have tried to compare Jeffree’s Girl to the millions of hot pink lipsticks I have. But all the hot pinks I already swatched pretty much look all the same hot pink. (Check my MAC Pink Lipsticks post for those swatches.) The draw is that the formula for JSC is different. And that being more pigmented and longer lasting than most other formulas.
My opinion is that yes, you should try at least one of the Lip Ammunition lipsticks, given that you don’t hold any sort of grudge against Jeffree. If you do, I’m not sure how you managed to click on this post. But it’s nice that you read through this.
This post is not sponsored. I bought these lipsticks myself with my own money.
I am also aware of controversy with this brand. I have a different opinion than the masses. I’m an adult, I do my research and make my own decisions.
Here’s the thing: Everyone is an asshole, you just have to choose your favorite kind.
If I boycotted every company because the CEO was an asshole, I’d have to make my own stuff from scratch. Even then I couldn’t even use it because I probably offended myself in some way!