I received an invitation to Mac Pro Powell for the Fruity Juicy Pre-Release on May the 4th (yes I know, Star Wars.) The collection releases on May 18th, so it was a treat getting to buy it before most everyone else. (Well, it’s better to be on the PR list and get the collection earlier and for free, but what are you gonna do?) They had the collection out for two hours an then it was gone until the 18th.
I limited myself to just three items, the bronzer/blush called Oh My Passion, the coconut scented Fix +, and the 126 brush.
The cheek item was something special and you can use it so many different ways. The coconut scented Fix + is something I have purchased before, and they sell out so fast, MAC should make the scented ones permanent and bring back Yuzu. Even though I love the Coconut Fix + I didn’t want to get greedy and buy more than one. I have got to save them for the other customers so less people are disappointed! I like my 126 brush from a previous summer collection, and I think it would be a good idea to have another on hand. And it’s not a throw away item, it’s a brush and you keep it until you die.
I do wish I bought 2 of the lipsticks, Si, Si, Me! and Love At First Bite, BUT I am trying to retrain myself. I do have a billion lipsticks, and probably have dupes. So I needed to calm the F down and just get the things I knew I wouldn’t be able to get dupes of. But it releases again on the 18th, so I might have some mental breakdown and end up with them in my makeup stash.

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored. I was invited to the pre-sale because I signed up at the particular store to receive promos from them. I paid for the items myself!